Yi-Jun Jen
Distinguished Professor
Vice President (Taipei Tech)
Yi-Jun Jen was born in 1970 in Taipei, Taiwan. He received his BS degree in physics from National Central University, Taiwan. He received his M. S. degree and Ph. D degree from the Institute of Optical Sciences of the National Central University in 1994(1993~1994) and in 2001(1997~2001) respectively. He joined the department of electro-optical engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, as an associate professor in 2002. In 2006, he became a professor. His current research interests primarily involve fabrication of nanosculptured thin films, noval optical devices based on anisotropic thin films, optical property analysis for subwavelength scale composite material.

2013~present Distinguished Professor Department of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology
2008~2014 Chair Department of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology
2006~2013 Professor Department of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology
2002~2006 Associate Professor Department of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology
2001~2002 Associate Professor De-Lin Institute of Technology
2014~present Fellow The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
2012~2014 Member SPIE Scholarship Committee
2012~present Associate Editor Journal of Nanophotonics
2010~2012 Conference Chair Nanostructured Thin Films III, SPIE Optics+Photonics
2010 Guest Editor Journal of Nanophotonics
2009~present Senior member The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
2009~present Advisor SPIE student chapter in National Taipei University, Taiwan
2008~present Member Taiwan Optical Engineering Society
2003~present Member The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
SPIE Optics & Photonics 2017 Conference Chair (Nanostructured Thin Films X), Conference Chair, August, 2017,
San Diego, California, USA.
SPIE Optics & Photonics 2016 Committee Member (Nanostructured Thin Films IX), Conference Chair, August,
2016, San Diego, California, USA.
Optics & Photonics Taiwan Technical Organizing Session Chair (Thin-Film Technology and Optical
International Conference 2016 Engineering), December, 2016, National Taiwan University of Science and
Technology, Taiwan.
SPIE Optics & Photonics 2015 Committee Member (Nanostructured Thin Films IX), Conference Chair, August,
2015, San Diego, California, USA.
Optics & Photonics Taiwan Technical Organizing Session Chair (Thin-Film Technology and Optical
International Conference 2015 Engineering), December, 2015, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
SPIE Optics & Photonics 2013 Conference Chair (Nanostructured Thin Films VI), August, 2013,
San Diego, California, USA
Optics & Photonics Taiwan Technical Organizing Committee Member and Session Chair(Optical
International Conference 2013 Engineering and Thin Films), December, 2013, National Central University,
Progress In Electromagnetics
Research Symposium Session Chair (Plasmonic Nanophotonics I), March, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan.
(PIERS) 2013
SPIE Optics & Photonics 2012 Conference Chair (Nanostructured Thin Films V), August, 2012, San Diego,
California, USA.
Optics & Photonics Taiwan Technical Organizing Committee Member and Session Chair (Optical
Conference 2012 Engineering and Thin Films), December, 2012, National Cheng Kung University,
2012 Symposium on Nanovision Chair, October 2012, Taipei Tech., Taiwan.
SPIE Optics & Photonics 2011 Conference Chair (Nanostructured Thin Films IV), August, 2011, San Diego,
California, USA.
Optics & Photonics Taiwan Conference Chair and Session Chair(Optical Engineering and Thin Films),
Conference 2011 December, 2012, Tainan, Taiwan.
Syposium on Display Technology Chair, April 2011, Taipei Tech. Taiwan.
SPIE Optics & Photonics 2010 Conference Chair (Nanostructured Thin Films III), August, 2010, San Diego,
California, USA.
Symposium on Nanovision Chair, May 2010, Taipei Tech., Taiwan
Symposium 2010
Nano-sculptured Optical Thin Chair, May 2009, Taipei Tech., Taiwan.
Films Symposium 2009
Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2009 Technical Sub-Program Committee Member (Optical Design and Thin Film
Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2008 Technical Sub-Program Committee Member (Optical Design and Thin Film
Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2007 Technical Sub-Program Committee Member (Optical Engineering and Thin
Film) Optical Engineering and Thin Film Session Chair
Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2006 Technical Sub-Program Committee Member (Optical Engineering and Thin
Film) Optical engineering and thin Film Session Chair
Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2005 Optical Waveguide and Photonic Crystal Session Chair
Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2004 Optical Engineering Session Chair
Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2003 Organizing Committee General Chair
Optical Engineering Session Chair
Research Projects
Glancing Angle Deposition of Various Nanostructured Metal Films with Substrate Cooling Technique(1/3) 08/1/2016~07/31/2017
The optical coatings of metamaterials for the novel optical devices(3/3) 08/01/2015~07/31/2016
The optical coatings of metamaterials for the novel optical devices(2/3) 08/01/2014~07/31/2015
The optical coatings of metamaterials for the novel optical devices(1/3) 08/01/2013~07/31/2014
Negative-Refractive-Index Optical Thin Films: Fabrication, Measurement and Application(3/3) 08/01/2012~07/31/2013
Negative-Refractive-Index Optical Thin Films: Fabrication, Measurement and Application(2/3) 08/01/2011~07/31/2012
Negative-Refractive-Index Optical Thin Films: Fabrication, Measurement and Application(1/3) 08/01/2010~07/31/2011
Nano-sculptured metal thin films(3/3) 08/01/2009~07/31/2010
Nano-sculptured metal thin films(2/3) 08/01/2008~07/31/2009
Nano-sculptured metal thin films(1/3) 08/01/2007~07/31/2008
The relationship among coating parameters, microstructures and optical properties of optical thin films 11/01/2006~10/31/2007
Research of optical interference filters in UV and DUV ranges (2/2) 08/01/2006~07/31/2007
Research of optical interference filters in UV and DUV ranges(II)-The characteristics of anisotropic films and its application to UV and DUV filters(2/2) 08/01/2006~07/31/2007
Research of optical interference filters in UV and DUV ranges (1/2) 08/01/2005~07/31/2006
Research of optical interference filters in UV and DUV ranges(II)-The characteristics of anisotropic films and its application to UV and DUV filters(1/2) 08/01/2005~07/31/2006
Research of optical interference filters in UV and DUV ranges-The characteristics of anisotropic films and its application to UV and DUV filters (I) 08/01/2004~07/31/2005
Surface Plasmon Resonance to Investigate the Optical Properties of Thin Film Columnar Structure and Its Application on Biosensor Technology (II) 08/01/2003~07/31/2004
Surface Plasmon Resonance to Investigate the Optical Properties of Thin Film Columnar Structure and Its Application on Biosensor Technology 08/01/2002~07/31/2003
Measure Optical Properties of Anisotropic Material and Thin Films by Interference Method 06/01/2002~05/31/2003
Invited Speech
1. Optic Interference Coatings 2019, OSA, New Mexico, USA
2. Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan (2018)
3. Optical Device Technology Development Advisory Committee, Taiwan (2017)
4. Seminar, Graduate Institute of Optoelectronic Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan (2016)
5. Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications XIV, SPIE Optics+Photonics 2016
6. Invited Speaker in the Energy Materials and Nanotechnology, Hong Kong (2015)
7. Nanostructured Thin films VII, SPIE Optics+Photonics 2014
8. 3D Nano-devices & Thin film vacuum coating technologies and applications seminar in the 23rd Int'l Optoelectronics
Exposition, Taipei (2014)
9. Seminar on Industry-Academia Collaboration in the 22nd Int'l Optoelectronics Exposition, Taipei(2013)
10. Nanovision Symposium, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan (2013)
11. Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference, National Central University, Taiwan (2013)
12. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Taiwan (2013)
13. Seminar, Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (2013)
14. Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Republic of China, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan (2013)
15. Conference on Photonics & Communications, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan (2012)
16. Seminar, Graduate Institute of Electro-Optics Engineering, Chang Gung University, Taiwan(2012)
17. Seminar, the Institute of Optoelectronic Sciences, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan(2012)
18. Nanovision Symposium, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan (2011)
19. International Photonics Conference, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (2011)
20. Seminar, Graduate Institute of Electro-Optics Engineering, Chang Gung University, Taiwan(2011)
21. Optics and Photonics Taiwan conference, Southern Taiwan University, Taiwan (2010)
22. International 21 COE Symposium on Nanovision, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan (2008)
23. Optics and Photonics Taiwan conference, Taiwan (2006)
Honors and Awards
Distinguished Professor of National Taipei University of Technology (2012~present)
SPIE Fellow (2015)
Ministry of Science and Technology Merit-pay Award for Excellent Research Achievement(2013)
National Science Council Merit-pay Award for Excellent Research Achievement (2012)
National Science Council Merit-pay Award for Excellent Research Achievement (2011)
SPIE Senior Member (2009)
Excellent Research Award of National Taipei University of Technology (2009)
Excellent Research Award of College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, NTUT(2007)
Excellent Teaching Award of College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, NTUT(2006)
Excellent Research Award of College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, NTUT(2006)
Who’s Who in the World(2006)
Excellent Teaching Award of College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, NTUT(2005)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering(2005)
Excellent Tutor of National Taipei University of Technology (2003)
Technical Reviewer for Journals
Applied Optics (Optical Society of America)
Optics Letters (Optical Society of America)
Optics Express (Optical Society of America)
Chinese Optics Letters (Optical Society of America)
Journal of the Optical Society of America A
Journal of the Optical Society of America B
Optics Communications (Elsevier)
Applied Surface Science (Elsevier)
Optics and Laser Technology (Elsevier)
Thin Solid Film (Elsevier)
Journal of Lightwave Technology (OSA+IEEE)
Journal of Biomedical Optics (SPIE)
Journal of Nanophotonics (SPIE)
Nanoscale Research Letters (Springer)
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves (Springer)
1. Name: 表面增強拉曼光譜(SERS)感測基板及其製造方法
Assignee: Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C
Invention #: I490474
2. Name: Optical system capable of enhancing polarization state of light and light source system including same
Assignee: Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C
Invention #: I406011
3. Name: Optical system capable of enhancing polarization state of light and light source system including same
Invention #: US8,611,008 B2
4. Name: Achromatic phase retarder with anisotropic layered structure
Assignee: Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C
Invention #: I424205
5. Name: Achromatic phase retarder with anisotropic layered structure
Assignee: State Intellectual property office of the P.R.C
Invention #: CN102681070
6. Name: Reflective phase retarder and semiconductor light – emitting device including such reflective phase retarder
Invention #: Applying
7. Name: Metal nanopillars for Surface-Enhance Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)substrate and method for preparing same
Invention #: Applying
· Design and application of optical coating
· Geometric Optics
· Physics of Semiconductor
· Seminar
· Physics
· Physics Experiment
· Electromagnetics
· Modern Physics
· Special project
Professional Memberships
· SPIE fellow since December 2014·
· SPIE member since March 2003
· OSA member since May 2001
· Member of Taiwan Optical Engineering Society since 2008
Technical Report
Yi-Jun Jen*, Ching-wei Yu and Chin-Te Lin, Vapor-deposited Nanostructured Silver Film with Negative Refractive Index,中華民國光學工程學會會刊,光學工程107 2009.09[民98.09] 頁14- 22
Yi-Jun Jen*, Chia-Feng Lin and Ching-wei, The Study of Optical Properties for Anisotropic Thin Film,科儀新知30:3=167 2008.12[民97.12] 頁46-54
Yi-Jun Jen*, Determination of Optical Constants of Anisotropic Thin Film from Attenuated-Total-Reflection, 四海學報, 14, 465(2000)
Yi-Jun Jen*, 我國非球面鏡片市場, 光連, 4 85年7月